I have been married for almost 30+ years. I've been a mom for more than 30 years. DH and I were both born into very large loving families, with lots of aunts and uncles, cousins, and extended families. Now we have our own large family. Our family includes six of our own children, three daughter-in-laws (DIL), one son-in-law (SIL), and 10 grandchildren.
One of the many things I learned from my big family is how to cook food and lots of it. Good old home style meals from the heart of the home... the family kitchen. My girls (my one daughter and my DILs) are always calling me and asking about our old family favorite recipes. I haven't told them yet, but I am making a family scrapbook of the old family recipes. It's filled with a lot of our favorite recipes, stories of the memories to go with the recipes, and a lot of photos to make it a complete scrapbook.
With a big family, I learned to make good food that isn't going to break the family budget. I'll share some of those recipes here, as well as time saving recipes. Let me tell ya, there was a time when all six of my children were involved in sports, music, church youth group, and extra curricular clubs, and during that time of our life, it felt like we were living out of our family minivan. I learned a few good time saving recipes so the kids weren't living on take out from McDonald's. I'll share those here too!
I figure my website is a good place to share some of our old favorite recipes, some of the memories I have of my Grandma, Mom, and my aunts and cousins in the kitchen.